Hi! I’m Chandni, a creative director with over 4 years of experience, leading a team of over 15 creative thinkers. We specialize in logo design, logo animation, website development, brand style guides, and stationery design. By combining our expertise, we deliver exceptional services that bring your brand to life. Whether it’s a logo, website, or animation, every creation tells your brand’s story with creativity and impact.
Last but not least, I would love to share the story behind the name, “Plantantion”, which combines Plantation and tant (a French term meaning “so long”) to reflect my love for nature and dedication to long-term relationships.
Plantation symbolizes my love for nature and passion for planting trees. Being around greenery brings me peace and positivity, reminding me of the importance of growth and sustainability.
tant represents my dedication to building long-term relationships with my buyers. I strive to provide exceptional service and foster trust, ensuring lasting connections. By combining these ideas, my username “Plantantion” conveys both my personal connection to nature and my professional commitment to my buyers.
Feel free to explore my portfolio!
Happy browsing! 🌿